DNA DAY 2013

Today is the 60th anniversary of the publication of Watson and Crick's famous paper on the structure of DNA.  The CSHL Archives is home to the James D. Watson Collection, which includes many documents related to the discovery.  Below is just a selection of items found in the collection, all of which are accessible via our online repository.

Original model of DNA, used in Watson's The Double Helix.
Courtesy of the James D. Watson Collection
 New York Times clipping regarding DNA structure discovery, 1953.
Courtesy of the James D. Watson Collection

Crick, Herbert "Freddie" Gutfreund, and Watson in Cambridge, 1953.
Courtesy of the James D. Watson Collection
Draft biography of Francis Crick by Watson, 1960s.
For complete biography please see our online repository.
Courtesy of the James D. Watson Collection
Letter from Rosalind Franklin to Watson regarding Tobacco Mosaic Virus and RNA, 1955.
Courtesy of the James D. Watson Collection

"Rosalind Franklin: The Dark Lady of DNA" promotional photograph.
Courtesy of the James D. Watson Collection
Letter from Rosalind Franklin biographer Anne Sayre to Watson, 1970.
Please see our online repository for the rest of the letter.
Courtesy of the James D. Watson Collection
DNA Reading List, c. 1962. Handwritten notation possibly by Francis Crick.
Courtesy of the James D. Watson Collection

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